In 1988 a child was born in small-town NC. She was a joyful and good baby. As she grew older and learned how to be human, she made mistakes and learned from them. She knew she didn’t really belong and always felt different. As she grew into a young adult and entered high school the deviance and independence rang forth from her like an all-mighty roar. As she became an adult and found the open-ended boxes she fit in, it was clear she was meant for more than her small town one day. Low and behold that day came. She boarded a plane bound for Asia in 2013, left everything familiar, and never looked back.

Hi– that girl is me.

I’m Hales and welcome to my corner of the world where I post about my thoughts, feelings, and places I have visited. I also review things and just generally talk about my life and existing as a plus-size, empathetic, introverted extrovert, Leo-Cancer cusp, queer woman.

Virtual Assistant services can be found here.