There is nothing better than Tick, Tick…BOOM! to start off this post. I have a love for Jonathan Larson and this musical is no exception. Before writing the hit musical RENT, Jonathan wrote Tick, Tick…BOOM! This musical is about his life choices before turning 30. The song 30/90 is about him turning 30 in 1900 and his lack of achievement in his life. The rest of the musical follows the eve of his 30th birthday. I can’t sing, so I choose to type my Tick, Tick…BOOM!

A good friend told me that I should be excited about turning 30, I have walked this earth for 30 years. Age is just a number, right?! Wrong! To me age while on face value is just a number, it also goes deeper. For me a birthday and age shows how long you have been in this world to share your spirit with others. Maybe that’s why birthdays mean so much to me. That day is a celebration of the day you came into the world, it should always be a celebration no matter the number attached to it.

I will not bore you with a list of my life over the 30 years, but I will say I have experienced and learned a lot about the world, people and myself. These failures, lessons and triumphs have made me who I am. I regret nothing from my past because it has all brought me to where I am today and has led me to find my amazing partner.

I do have a fear about closing my 20’s to start a new decade of my life. It is terrifying, it is also bubbling with excitement. According to numerology the number 30 represents high creative and social energies. I am challenging myself this year to be more creative, that part of me has been suppressed for a while and it is time to dig it out and bring it back to life.

I refuse to be over-shadowed, I am going to live my life in my 30’s. Someone I know posted about age recently too, she said, ” Own what age you are and stop passing it off as something else to make yourself feel better. I have earned the age I am through love, loss, sorrow, despair and incredible happiness. I also do not subscribe to the idea that life begins at 50 (or whatever age you choose). I am young enough to reinvent myself and old enough to have the confidence to make it happen.”

These are wise words. I am going to stop finding excuses. In this new decade of my life, I am going to face it head on with an open heart. It is time to focus on myself, my health, my partner, and my most meaningful relationships. Life is too short to focus on stuff that doesn’t make you happy.

I say this with determination and excitement— July 27, you are a little over a month away, but there is no day but today to get started.

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